Reduce Turbulence in your Conveying Line and Improve your System’s Performance

HammerTek Smart Elbow deflection elbow

Generally, in a conveying system, the air in the center of the pipe moves faster than the air traveling closer to the pipe walls. This even, transitional flow helps to create an insulation around the wall of the pipe, reducing impact, noise and the generation of heat. Turbulence in the piping disrupts the flow and weakens the insulation created by the slower moving air; therefore, maintaining a smooth transitional flow helps to control heat and maintain better material quality.

However, forcing a change of direction will disrupt the flow of your product.

Most specialty and conventional elbows rely on some type of impact to change the direction of conveyed material. With these elbows, the change in direction is forced by conveyed material either impacting the elbow walls or impacting upon a pocket of built up material.   This impact-forced change creates turbulence in the flow of conveyed material, causing frequent erosion to piping and elbows. In addition, this generates heat and potentially damages conveyed material.

Maintaining a strong, even flow, especially during directional changes, will help your conveying system operate more efficiently by reducing shutdowns for unscheduled repairs, cleanup and maintenance.  Finding the best elbow to more gently and evenly transfer conveyed material into a change of direction will pay off in less down time, better product quality, and less maintenance costs.

Processors, such as those in the plastics and grain industries, have found the HammerTek® Smart Elbow® deflection elbow effective at promoting a more uniform, non-turbulent flow of material in their conveying systems.

By replacing the impact zone with a true deflection zone, product returns more quickly to an even, non-turbulent flow after exiting the elbow. See a demonstration of product flow upon exiting a Smart Elbow deflection elbow as compared to exiting a sweep elbow.

HammerTek makes it easy to discover for yourself how these uniquely engineered elbows can improve your conveying operation. For information on trying a HammerTek Smart Elbow deflection elbow in your system, click here to learn about our Free Trial Offer.

Testing out an elbow to see how it will work in your system is an effective way to ensure you will get the best results possible. With this trial offer, you pay nothing until you decide to keep your Smart Elbow deflection elbow. Should you decide to return the elbow within the specified time, you pay only the freight.